The past 9 years have meant a lot.

This film aims to tell that story.

Narrative Approach

This film aims to VISUALLY ACKNOWLEDGE WHATS CURRENTLY HAPPENING IN THIS CITY from the PERSPECTIVE of a Detroiter by showing the known and lesser known momentums, projects, moments, people, culture over the past 10 years. 


Detroit has captured international attention in reaching a point of historic decline, yet the factors that led Detroit to declare bankruptcy on July 19, 2013 also has diamond pressed its citizens and stakeholders to custodian new legacies. The "grit" and "shine" momentum shift taking place now in Detroit communities is inspiring an opportunity for visionary investing and nascent potential citywide.

The forthcoming rebirth and renewal of Detroit reflects what place makers, city planners and community leaders will be writing about for decades to come.A film that is marketed and distributed internationally must be made to capture that expansion. The Detroit Film will provide a defining cinematic bookmark visually depicting the shift of conversation around Detroit, celebrating the visionaries whose innovative thinking, investing, inventing, working and living is weaving a new texture into the city’s fabric as well as having the honest challenges that comes with the territory. 

To date, Detroit is cinematically represented by feature films that too often focus heavily on either the shine or the grit, either in a cheerleader way, what isn’t in Detroit any longer, or obsessed with the bleak images of ruin porn, blight, despair, and emptiness. 

The view of a city that depicts the lone rebel against the world is represented more than the connectedness, teamwork, interdependency that is a fundamental part of what's moving Detroit forward right now.

This feature film and webdoc series is the ideal chronicle to depict Detroit from a citizens perspective; creative, energetic, honest, beautiful, a reflection of resilience, passion, humanity and hope rooted in revival in the challenges. 

This next year will be an incredible year for this city and I would love your help in making this epic film.




Hope amongst many forms of Challenge

personal stories

moving to the city

moving from the city

living to help others

The Locals

Community Engagement 







Commercial Blight

Green Infrastructure

Detroit as a city within Michigan/Region

Detroit's significance in the World/Global Economy


VISUAL acknowledgementS

What's Here 

What was left behind

Where is the city going